A child in line with his mother at a bookstore was excitedly thumbing through a book of Garfield comic strips and explaining the depth and breadth of his love for the character. The boy, who was approximately eight, told his mother that this was an especially good book because it contained some of the funniest strips in the comic's history and he laughed in a mildly forced sounding manner after stopping on a page somewhere in the middle of the book. He explained to his mother that this book and others which he had purchased were all bound to increase in value over the years as collectors tried to get their hands on them. However, he said he did not plan to sell his collection. Instead, he stated that when he was grown he would dedicate an entire room in his house to Garfield, painting it orange, decorating the walls with posters and Garfield art, and filling the cabinets with his extensive collection of Garfield books and toys.
His mother said she doubted very much that he'd want a Garfield room in his house when he was older.
The boy argued that he certainly would, that Garfield was his favorite thing.
Well, even favorite things change, she said. You'll see.
The boy went quiet and looked at the book in his had without opening it. Neither of them spoke again.
Monday, February 21, 2005
Child Promises To Dedicate Entire Room In Future Home To Garfield
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9:19 PM
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children don't know anything but being kids. it sucks to tell them otherwise.
I hope the kid grows up to be a millionaire, decorates his whole house with Garfield stuff and corners the market in Garfield memorabilia. Then he could call his mom and tell her that she'll feel different when she's young...
Mother Envolved in Bitter Lawsuit Filed by Son for Negligent Homicide of Creative Spirit
What a buzzkill of a mom. Sad.
I love your site, BTW. :-)
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