Sunday, January 16, 2005

Cashing In On Photos

Originally uploaded by killen8.
So far the million dollar tote board is looking a little lite. So to really ramp up the income I've begun selling my photography on ebay. It's perfect because, much like writing, photography is one of those things you can say you do and no one will take you seriously, so as a means of generating income it fits right in with my scheme. Hey, no one said I could write and last year I earned $453 to prove them wrong. I'm sure this will be no different. If you love the photo let me know, or feel free to touch up my auctions at Photo 1 and Photo 2 You too could be a proud owner and make your own contribution to the tote board at the same time.


Kitty said...

As a photographer myself, I have to say, your photos are emotionally thought-provoking and capture beautiful moments in time. Thanks for sharing with us - good luck with the auctions. Have you considered any shows/showings in your area? Let's compare notes (mine are not that positive as of yet - but 2005 is the year for progress!)

Admin said...

Thanks for the feedback Kitty. Sadly you may be the only person who's looked in on the auctions since as yet I have no bids. Clearly this million dollars is not going to be easy to come by.

I haven't really looked into the world of shows but I'd be interested if you knew of a resource to point me in the right direction.

I checked out some of your photos (I think). The abandonded house is a very frightening subject. Something about the decay of the structure among all that green is disturbing.

Thanks for dropping in, hope you come back.

Kitty said...

I love old and abandoned buildings -- something about the "ghosts" that still walk the halls, I guess.

As for shows, if you have some local art districts in your town, approach some of the shoppes and boutiques -- or, if you aren't up for that route yet -- approach some of the local coffee shoppes and restaurants around town -- a lot of them are always looking for local art to display for free -- which translates to free publicity and exposure (no pun intended) for you.

Keep in touch - I'd love to hear how things progress! Perhaps we can support each other in this endeavor ...